# S.O.L.I.D.
SOLID principles refers to the five basic principles of object-oriented programming and object-oriented design(OOP). When these principles are applied together, they make it more possible for a programmer to develop a system that is easy to maintain and extend the software.
The various design patterns we know follow the SOLID principles.
# Possible Questions
- Which SOLID principle do you consider as most important?
- Which SOLID principles are applicable to JS?
- What is DI? What is the difference between dependency injection and dependency inversion?
# Single Responsibility Principle
A class should only have one reason to change, meaning that a class should have only one job. Using this principle will help developers understand the context and responsibility of what they are building and when there is a need for change.
If an class(object) maintains two or more logics at the same time, if one of the logics changes, it may cause the failure of the other logic that was originally running normally.
class UserSettings {
constructor(user) {
this.user = user;
changeSettings(settings) {
if (this.verifyCredentials()) {
// ...
verifyCredentials() {
// ...
class UserAuth {
constructor(user) {
this.user = user;
verifyCredentials() {
// ...
class UserSettings {
constructor(user) {
this.user = user;
this.auth = new UserAuth(user);
changeSettings(settings) {
if (this.auth.verifyCredentials()) {
// ...
# Open-Closed Principle
Software entities should be open for extension but closed for modification. A change in behavior should be possible without changing existing code.
// BAD
class AjaxAdapter extends Adapter {
constructor() {
this.name = 'ajaxAdapter';
class NodeAdapter extends Adapter {
constructor() {
this.name = 'nodeAdapter';
class httpRequester {
constructor(adapter) {
this.adapter = adapter;
fetch(url) {
if (this.adapter.name === 'ajaxAdapter') {
return makeAjaxCall(url).then(response => {
// transform response and return
} else if(this.adapter.name === 'httpNodeAdapter') {
return makeHttpCall(url).then(response => {
// transform response and return
function makeAjaxCall(url) {
// request and return promise
function makeHttpCall(url) {
// request and return promise
class AjaxAdapter extends Adapter {
constructor() {
this.name = 'ajaxAdapter';
request(url) {
// request and return promise
class NodeAdapter extends Adapter {
constructor() {
this.name = 'nodeAdapter';
request(url) {
// request and return promise
class httpRequester {
constructor(adapter) {
this.adapter = adapter;
fetch(url) {
return this.adapter.request(url).then(response => {
// transform response and return
Another example is some more life-oriented examples. Different membership levels have different functions. At this time, we can implement a class for each level. Their same functions can be inherited from the parent class.
The strategy design pattern is implement this OCP principle.
# Liskov Substitution Principle
The derived objects or types must be substitutable for their base. This means that an object can be replaced with a subclass instance wherever it appears, and it will not cause program errors.
Classic Example: Square is not a subclass of the rectangle.
// BAD
class Rectangle {
constructor() {
this.width = 0;
this.height = 0;
setColor(color) {
// ...
render(area) {
// ...
setWidth(width) {
this.width = width;
setHeight(height) {
this.height = height;
getArea() {
return this.width * this.height;
class Square extends Rectangle {
setWidth(width) {
this.width = width;
this.height = width;
setHeight(height) {
this.width = height;
this.height = height;
function renderLargeRectangles(rectangles) {
rectangles.forEach((rectangle) => {
const area = rectangle.getArea(); // BAD: Returns 25 for Square. Should be 20.
const rectangles = [new Rectangle(), new Rectangle(), new Square()];
class Shape {
setColor(color) {
// ...
render(area) {
// ...
class Rectangle extends Shape {
constructor(width, height) {
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
getArea() {
return this.width * this.height;
class Square extends Shape {
constructor(length) {
this.length = length;
getArea() {
return this.length * this.length;
function renderLargeShapes(shapes) {
shapes.forEach((shape) => {
const area = shape.getArea();
const shapes = [new Rectangle(4, 5), new Rectangle(4, 5), new Square(5)];
# Interface Segregation Principle
A client should not be forced to depend on interfaces it doesn’t use. A typical example is the swiper
component. It always has an options
property to set the configuration that you want.
// BAD
class DOMTraverser {
constructor(settings) {
this.settings = settings;
setup() {
this.rootNode = this.settings.rootNode;
traverse() {
// ...
const $ = new DOMTraverser({
rootNode: document.getElementsByTagName('body'),
animationModule() {} // Most of the time, we won't need to animate when traversing.
// ...
class DOMTraverser {
constructor(settings) {
this.settings = settings;
this.options = settings.options;
setup() {
this.rootNode = this.settings.rootNode;
setupOptions() {
if (this.options.animationModule) {
// ...
traverse() {
// ...
const $ = new DOMTraverser({
rootNode: document.getElementsByTagName('body'),
options: {
animationModule() {}
# Dependency Inversion Principle
- High-level modules should not depend on low level modules, both depend on Abstractions.
- Abstraction should not depend upon details, details should depend on abstractions.
// May use different protocol
// BAD
class InventoryRequester {
constructor() {
this.REQ_METHODS = ['HTTP'];
requestItem(item) {
// ...
class InventoryTracker {
constructor(items) {
this.items = items;
// BAD: We have created a dependency on a specific request implementation.
// We should just have requestItems depend on a request method: `request`
this.requester = new InventoryRequester();
requestItems() {
this.items.forEach((item) => {
const inventoryTracker = new InventoryTracker(['apples', 'bananas']);
class InventoryTracker {
constructor(items, requester) {
this.items = items;
this.requester = requester;
requestItems() {
this.items.forEach((item) => {
class InventoryRequesterV1 {
constructor() {
this.REQ_METHODS = ['HTTP'];
requestItem(item) {
// ...
class InventoryRequesterV2 {
constructor() {
this.REQ_METHODS = ['WS'];
requestItem(item) {
// ...
// By constructing our dependencies externally and injecting them, we can easily
// substitute our request module for a fancy new one that uses WebSockets.
const inventoryTracker = new InventoryTracker(['apples', 'bananas'], new InventoryRequesterV2());
Some other examples: Payment(WeChat Pay/AliPay -> Payment Processor), DataBase Connection, Logger(Store in DB/log/Azure Storage -> Logger Processor)

# Conclusion
In the front-end world, single responsibility and the open-closed principle are what we mainly use. By using these principles, our code could be more maintainable and reliable.
# Reference