# Principles of Economics

# 经济学的十个原理

  1. How People Make Decisions?

①. People face tradeoffs.

②. The cost of something is what you give up to get it.

③. Rational people think at the margin.

④. People respond to incentives.

  1. How People Interact?

⑤. Trade can make everyone better off.

⑥. Markets are usually a good way to organize economic activity.

⑦. Governments can sometimes improve market outcomes.

  1. How the Economy as a Whole Works?

⑧. The standard of living depends on a country's production.

⑨. Prices rise when the government prints too much money.

⑩. Society faces a short-run tradeoff between inflation and unemployment.

# 经济相互依存性和贸易的好处

什么决定了生产和贸易的模式? / What determines the pattern of production and trade?

生产和贸易的模式是基于机会成本(opportunity costs)的差异。

(Specialize and Trade)证明:1. 当每个人更多地生产自己具有比较优势的物品时,经济的总产量增加了。 2. 机会成本的差别(即比较优势)为人们从贸易中受益创造了条件。

比较优势原理(The Principle of Comparative Advantage):每个人各自生产他们具有比较优势的产品、然后进行交易,那么他们的情况都会变好。

绝对优势(Absolute Advantage):生产商在生产一种产品时的要素投入少,则他在生产该种产品是具有绝对优势。

# 供给与需求(Supply and Demand)

Supply and demand are the forces that make market economies work.

Modern microeconomics is about supply, demand, and market equilibrium.

分析竞争市场分为三步:※ 需求模型 Demand ※ 供给模型 Supply ※ 供求均衡模型 Demand and Supply, or Market equilibrium

需求量(Quantity demanded)是买者愿意而且能够(willing and able) 购买的商品数量。

# 市场和政府政策



  • 在自由的、无管制的市场中,市场的力量是建立均衡价格,决定交换的数量。(Tn a free, unregulated market system, market forces establish equilibrium prices and exchange quantities.)
  • 虽然均衡的状态是有效率的,但也许并非使每人都满意。(While equilibrium conditions may be efficient, it may be true that not everyone is satisfied.)
  • 经济学家的作用之一是运用他们的理论帮助指定政府政策(One of the roles of economies is to use their theories to assist in the development of policies.)

# 价格控制 Price Controls

  • 实行价格控制通常是政府相信市场价格对买房或卖方不公平(Are usually enacted when policymakers believe the market price is unfair to buyers or sellers.)
  • 两种价格控制:价格上限和价格下限(Result in government-created price ceilings and floors.)
  • 常常引发事与愿违的结果(效率和公平损失)
  • 经济分析的重要性:供给和需求工具